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Book Club Discussion Questions

1. What role does gender play in education? economics?

2. How did you relate or not relate to the characters?

3. Which situations did you find hard to imagine?

4. In your opinion, what was the most pivotal turning point in the school’s success?

5. Which person were you the most drawn to?

6. What surprised you? What did you learn that you didn’t know before?

7.What scene has stuck with you since you read it?

8. What brokenness or struggles did you see in the slum that you see (albeit on a different scale) in your own life?

9. Did you like Roscher’s writing style? Was it effective in communicating the story of KGSA?

10. Do you think a nation’s government should play a role in protection society from poverty? How is Kenya doing? How is the US doing?

11. What did the story make you think about in terms of when and where you were born?

12. What can you do in your own life to honor the story?

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